Weight Loss Treatments

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Back in the olden days, the only way to lose a few pounds was to cut back on your eating and exercise more. Well thankfully for us all, those clever scientists have been busy coming up with faster and more convenient ways of helping us towards that beach body.

New technology is all about encouraging faster weight loss from those stubborn fatty areas. Yes, we’re talking bums, tums and thighs – the bits that are usually last to go and that are hard to shift with normal exercise. A revolutionary technology that has gained popularity in recent times is cryolipolysis or CoolSculpting. This medical treatment freezes the fat cells using a controlled method of cooling. It is a non-surgical alternative to liposuction and over the course of several months fatty tissue layer is reduced. Is it safe, we hear you ask? Yes it is! The crystallised fat cells will be disposed by the body in a natural manner. Another non-surgical means to get rid of those pesky fat bumps and cellulite is ultrasonic cavitation. Cavitation encourages blood flow to the treated zone by using low-frequency sound waves to heat and vibrate the fatty layer underneath your skin. The fat cells liquify and are naturally disposed by your body.

There are also a number of weight loss treatments at your local salon, which don’t involve machines that look like they’re from a science fiction movie. The body wrap is a contouring product that can tighten, tone, and firm any area of the body by getting you sweaty and removing excess water. It’s not one to sit around the pool sipping a gin and tonic, but body wraps like the Universal Contour Wrap claim to shrink a minimum of six inches per sessions and regular treatment can result in smoother skin with less visible cellulite.

Weight loss takes time, but also the right treatment. A professional will aid you in this difficult (but not impossible) process so you get the most out of your goals. You will feel like flab to fab in no time...

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